Page Optimization Overview
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What's Covered?
In this guide you’ll learn how to run a Page Optimization report in Moz Pro and what is included in the report itself. If you’re having trouble running your report, please see our troubleshooting guide.
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Introduction to Page Optimization
How to Run a Page Optimization Report
Ensuring that your pages are correctly optimized for your target keywords is a basic and essential part of on-page SEO. With Page Optimization reports in Moz Pro we'll score your pages out of 100 and provide a to-do list of recommendations in order of priority to help improve your score.
You can run a Page Optimization report from the Page Optimization section of Moz Pro, or from your Tracked Keywords Overview in the Rankings section, or using the MozBar with your Moz Pro subscription.
To run a Page Optimization report for a URL and Keyword pairing, follow these steps:
- Head to the Page Optimization section of your Moz Pro Campaign
- Enter a keyword into the Keyword box and a URL into the Page box
- You can also choose optimization pairings from the Discover tab
- Click Analyze to generate a report that will help you see what is helping or hurting your SEO, as well as suggestions on how to improve
Requirements for the URL
The Page URL must be included in the scope of your Campaign. This means it must have been included in your Site Crawl. You can search in All Crawled Pages to ensure the URL is included in the scope of your Campaign.
Requirements for the Keyword
You'll need to be tracking the keyword in Moz Pro, or have keyword tracking allowances available to track that keyword. If you aren't tracking that keyword you'll be prompted to start tracking it.
To run a Page Optimization report from the Rankings tab in Moz Pro, follow these steps:
- Head to the Rankings section of your Moz Pro Campaign
- Scroll down to your Tracked Keywords Overview
- Click on the Optimize icon in the right-hand column
Track & Monitor
Every time you run a Page Optimization report in Moz Pro it will be added to your Track & Monitor tab. We'll update your report every week when your Campaign updates so you can see your progress.
If you run a report for a keyword you’re not already tracking you’ll be prompted to start tracking that keyword. Under the Score column you’ll see the date your report will be available.
Additionally, if you run a report for keyword you’re already tracking and a page that isn’t the highest ranking URL for that keyword, you’ll see -- listed as the Rank and under the Score column you’ll see the date your report will be available. This is because the tool will have to gather the rank for this specific pairing with your next data collection.
Within the delta column we will show you how your score has changed since your last weekly Campaign update. Additionally, we’ll show you if your rank for this pairing increased or decreased.
Don’t want to track a keyword/URL combo anymore? Just uncheck on the checkbox in the Track column and we'll stop collecting that report the next time your Campaign updates. Lastly, export the CSV or PDF if you’d like to take the data with you to review offline.
Page Optimization Discover Tab
Discovered Page Optimization scores are automatically generated. We do this by reviewing all of your Campaign tracked keywords, taking those ranking in the top 50 spots of SERPs, and scoring them against the page they ranked for. Any URL/keyword pairs that don't rank in the top 50 won't be scored by Moz unless you add them manually.
To track pairings from the Discover tab, follow these steps:
- Head to the Page Optimization section of your Moz Pro Campaign
- Click on the Discover tab
- Choose a keyword and URL pairing
- Select the Track checkbox
- You'll see this pairing added to your Track & Monitor tab and it will be updated weekly
Understanding Your Page Optimization Report
Your Page Optimization report analyzes 27 on-page SEO factors to give you a score out of 100. Once the report is generated, you'll get a score that ranges from 0 (uh-oh) to 100 (yay!).
What is Helping or Hurting?
Scroll through the tabs for a breakdown of what is helping or hurting your score and check out what you can do the improve it. This is based on SEO best practices and is designed to help you rank higher in organic searches. You'll be able to click on the link under the issue to find out how difficult the item is to fix, why it's important that it is resolved, and how to go about fixing it.
Content Suggestions
Content Suggestions help you build better content related to your topic. We look at the top ranking pages for the keyword you started with and we gather other keywords often used on these pages.
Relevance is determined by looking at how often a topic shows up in highly ranking search results. Click on the dropdown for a list of URLs that contain the topic keywords as well as where they rank.
Click on the dropdown under Top Ranking URLs to see what pages are ranking for this keyword, this is a great way to start your competitor and content analysis for this topic.
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