Everyone knows Google Analytics 4 is superseding Universal Analytics whether you're ready or not but how do you ensure you're setting your team or clients up for stress-free migration?

Join Zach and Brie for a fireside chat as they dive into real tips and practical advice for transition into GA4 measurement from the familiar world of UA. We will be discussing Google's changes to GA's reporting interface, measurement capabilities, new features and more.

Join us on May 25, 2023 @ 10am PT, 1pm ET

Presented by:

Brie E. Andersen, Owner, BEAST Analytics

Brie E Anderson is an Analytical Nerd with a Soft Spot for Strategy. She's spent the last 10 years helping businesses of all sizes execute data-driven strategies to increase ROI. Today, she runs BEAST Analytics, a digital marketing analytics consultancy.
Zach Edelstein, SEO Director, Moz

Zach is a relatively new addition to the Moz team. He has a decade of SEO and marketing analytics experience, working with digitally-focused brands of all sizes. He is passionate about using data to help companies develop their SEO strategies, and is a Google Analytics power user.

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